Higher Order Functions in Swift

Higher order functions are simply functions that can either accept functions or closures as arguments, or return a function/closure. I will briefly introduce some very useful higher order functions…


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Help Crush Your Fear of Writing with These Two Things

If the fear of writing is getting you down, it’s time for some basic preparations that will crush this nasty nemesis and fortress your efforts.

How do you build your zone of protection?

You create these two habits that are consistently suggested by successful writers.

Have you set aside time to write each day?

Or do you find something else to do instead?

Mostly, they stall out of fear, and the reasons are many.

How about a place?

Do you worry so much about where other people write that it makes you think your choice is wrong? You’re not alone.

As for me making excuses — guilty. I have many, and these are just a few.

What pushes these excuses? Who is the little imp behind the curtain that keeps me from jumping in and just doing it?


My plight is ironic because I’ve always jumped into things I’m interested in doing and learned them along the way. So why is it so hard for me to do this with writing?


My fear.

It’s me playing mind games with myself.

And fear is the one thing that will disrupt your effort, too, unless you decide to just go for it, like I finally did, and make writing a part of your life.

Setting a time and place to write each day where you feel safe from outside pressure provides a stronghold against criticism and self-doubt.

I’m better at being deliberate or intentional about my writing time. For me, it becomes a meditation, and it calms me. I think of it as exercise for my mind.

What my daily calisthenics do for my body, writing does for my thinking, and I feel healthier when I’ve made both a part of my daily routine. I also feel more confident I can conquer my fears.

I know the word routine suggests boredom, and nothing kills creativity more than boredom. Yet, writing every day, though repetitive, enables the physical function and mental clarity you need to beat back the beast of fear and reach a level of thought where you inspire yourself and produce something beautiful enough to inspire others.

Before you set a time to write, answer these questions:

Some writers don’t like the act of writing but love communicating stories. Others don’t want to be stuck to the confines of a schedule. Does either description fit how you feel? If so, think about why.

Then do these things activities:

Reflect on your progress:

Chances are you will have better control of your fears after you have finished these activities than when you first started. You may also have found your best time to write.

Push your fears away by adding one more thing to your writing routine — a place where you feel comfortable. To get ideas for how to do it, you can read about it and ask other writers how they do it.

Ask yourself these questions:

My writing room is in my living room. It’s open and airy, and I’m surrounded by art my mother painted, pictures of family, and all of the things I deeply love. And it’s quiet, so I can think.

I tried using my computer room as a writing space, but it didn’t work for me. The confines of the space nurtured my fears more than my creative spirit. I felt cramped, and by default, so did my mind.

The key for you is to find a space that is quiet and free from distractions, and one that inspires you to write. Then, combine it with a time that works for you.

Most fears of writing face annihilation in this context.

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